Oregon education department advises teachers to hide student gender confusion from parents

Oregon education department advises teachers to hide student gender confusion from parents by Calvin Freiburger for Life Site News

Oregon wants to conceal life-changing information about children from their moms and dads.

The Oregon Department of Education is instructing teachers in the Beaver State to withhold knowledge that a student is suffering gender dysphoria from parents as part of an updated guidance on “supporting gender expansive students.”

The document, dated January 5, purports to be part of the department’s effort to model “statewide support for gender expansive students” to “make school a place where all students and all educators can thrive and support each other every day,” according to an introduction by department director and deputy superintendent Colt Gill.

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While the guidance claims that “[p]arent and family support is the goal when supporting gender expansive students,” it “may not be possible in all situations,” such as when a student chooses not to go public with his or her “authentic gender identity.” In that case, “[t]o the extent possible, schools should refrain from revealing information about a student’s gender identity, even to parents, caregivers, or other school administrators, without permission from the student.”

“When a student requests that their gender identity be kept private, the paramount concern should be the health and safety of the student, while also making sure that the student’s gender identity is affirmed in a manner that maintains privacy and confidentiality,” the document says. “If a student wishes their gender identity to remain confidential, the school should discuss with the student the extent to which they are able to offer supportive and affirming options, and whether specific supportive options might compromise the confidentiality the student has requested.”

Asked for comment by Fox News, a department spokesperson claimed that “parent support and involvement is a priority for ODE and we believe it should be for school districts, because when gender expansive students are supported at home, research shows they are more likely to succeed at school and have lower rates of suicide ideation. However, when students identify that notifying their family may be a safety concern, we do encourage schools to prioritize the student’s safety within all school environments.”

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